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    Doyle - Glenn Quinn was created November 17, 1999 as a tribute to the actor and the character he portrayed on the Fox series Angel.

    This site was created by Tara LJC O'Shea. Layout and original graphics are © 2000 by Tara LJC O'Shea. The pages were coded by hand in raw HTML because Tara is a freak, and the graphics were done using Photoshop 5.5.

    Special thanks to Zero and Mai, for putting up with me calling them at weird times of night, listening to me rant, and letting me hang with them, and joining me in appreciating GQ.

Site Map:
    what's new
    Chronological record of updates to the site.

    Where to find quotes from interviews, online and magazine alerts, Glenn Quinn related news such as contact info and career news, Doyle/Angel related news such as novels featuring Doyle, and basically any titbit that may be of interest to Glenn and Doyle fans.

    Brief bios of Glenn and his character from Angel, Doyle.

    fan fiction
    My fan-written Angel short stories.

    fan art
    My fan artwork (traditional illustration and digital).

    fanfic challenges
    Monthly fan fiction challenges and the answers to those challenges.

    episode guide
    An Angel episode guide for the first season.

    Images of Glenn from online and offline sources, as well as candid photographs from Starshots.

    Glenn, Doyle, and Angel wallpaper images at 800x600, for use on your home PC.

    Coming soon! Webcards featuring Doyle, and the rest of the Angel cast.

    ie skins
    Hotbar skins for IE users. Users must have the Hotbar software loaded for the skins to work.

    An assortment of Glenn, Doyle, Angel, Buffy, and other links of interest.

    message board
    A place to discuss Glenn and Doyle, as well as meet and get to know other fans.

    Banners and buttons for other fan webmasters to use to link back to this site.

    Form to join the Glenn Quinn webring.

    Please let me know you were here, and what you think of the site!

    Awards this site has received.

    my award
    Awards this site has awarded others.

    site info
    Site map, history, FAQ, and contact info.

    feedback | survey
    Feedback form, to send me feedback.