link to this site
Cut and paste the HTML code beneath each banner or button onto your own site, to display the banner.

Like what you see? I am more than happy to design custom banners for your fan site (time permmitting). Just email me with:

  • your url
  • any images you would like me to use
  • any particular fonts and/or colour schemes you would like me to use
  • Or take a look at more banners I have designed.

    Doyle - Glenn Quinn

    <a href=""><img src="" height=60 width=468 align=left border="0" alt="Doyle - Glenn Quinn" border="0"></a>

    Doyle - Glenn Quinn

    <a href=""><img src="" height=60 width=468 align=left border="0" alt="Doyle - Glenn Quinn" border="0"></a>

    Doyle - Glenn Quinn

    <a href=""><img src="" height=60 width=468 align=left border="0" alt="Doyle - Glenn Quinn" border="0"></a>

    <a href=""><img src="" width=234 height=60 alt="Doyle - Glenn Quinn" border="0" border="0"></a>

    <a href=""><img src="" width=100 height=35 alt="Doyle - Glenn Quinn" border="0" border="0"></a>