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A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. The first fanlisting was started spring of 2000 by Janine Mischor in Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom. However, over the last several years the concept has spread to every corner of the internet and The network is the hub of dozens of listings of fans from pop music to actors to movies to web designers!

You do not need to have a website to join the Jake/Diane fan listing. All you need is to be a fan ofthe characters and their relationship.


  1. LJC | USA | www
  2. byobkenobi | USA | www
  3. Amy | USA | www
  4. Elizabeth Klisiewicz | USA | www
  5. Kawcrow | USA | www
  6. Andia | USA | www
  7. Hannah | USA | www
  8. Findle | USA | www
  9. Adam Kidd | Canada | www
  10. liquideyes | Canada | www
  11. Irene | USA | www
  12. Azar | USA | www
  13. Haley | USA | www
  14. Beka | USA | www
  15. PezKat | USA | www
  16. dolphingurl | USA | www
  17. Linda | USA | www
  18. MissMalady | USA | www
  19. Chris | USA | www
  20. Karen | USA | www
  21. Jie | USA | www
  22. Xenola | USA | www
  23. StuckHereWithNoTV | USA | www
  24. Mariam | USA | www
  25. Angela | USA | www
  26. Joyce | USA | www
  27. jon | UK | www
  28. Nanitegirl | USA | www
  29. stephen | USA | www
  30. Katie | UK | www
  31. Lana Wong | Malaysia | www
  32. Drache | USA | www
  33. stone cold | USA | www
  34. Amelia | UK | www
  35. Lilian | Brazil | www
  36. Alexandra Looi | Malaysia | www
  37. lezario | France | www
  38. Laly | France | www
  39. Elnara | Kazakhstan | www
  40. Gareth Lim | Malysia | www
  41. June Fong | Singapore | www
  42. Kylie "Teddy" Pratt | Australia | www
  43. Doniphan | France | www
  44. Lonnie | Russia | www
  45. Ninon | France | www
  46. Corn Hollio | Muir Island | www
  47. johana | Phillipines | www



Your NAME:


URL of your website (if applicable):

Once you have joined the fanlisting, feel free to take one of the below buttons and graphics to proudly display on your website, blog, or journal! Just remember to link back to geek love...

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