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Fan Fiction FAQ

The fanfic frequently asked questions list is meant to be a guide for fan writers to the history of fanfic, as well as offer writing tips, resources for writers, and everything a new fan author can need to hone their craft.

Fan Fiction Challenges

Starting in May, 2001 we will be making monthly fan fiction challenges. These challenges will be posted to the Scribes mailing list as well as posted here, and all authors are encouraged to turn a hand at a challenge. Stories written in answer to these challenges will be archived here. To submit a challenge, please follow the submission guidelines.

Writing Cordelia

A guide to Cordelia Chase, her history, her relationships in Sunnydale, L.A., and Pylea. A good, solid record of canon, as well as tips on how to write her well.

Beta Readers

In addition to an index of beta readers, the section also offers beta reading resources and links, as well as tips on how to beta read.

The Mannerly Art of Critique

This excellent essay by Peg Robinson serves as a great guide on how to give critical feedback on-line, and is a great primer for betas a well as authors.

QCS Forums

Looking for a community of writers and readers with a focus on Cordy? Please feel free to post in the QCS Forums!

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