Virtuoso coda Rated PG By, Katie Davidson Disclaimer: Everything except for the plot belongs to Paramount. I wonít make any money off this story so they donít have to worry. Summary: Tom and BíElanna talk about the ramifacations of Doc leaving. Virtuoso Coda By, Katie Davidson Tom Paris was nervous. Could the Doctor really be leaving for good? If that was the case, Tom was the closest thing Voyager had to a doctor. And Tom only assisted in Sickbay a few shifts a week. He was a pilot, not a doctor. Flying was his second love. His first love was, of course, BíElannna Torres, Voyagerís Chief Engineer. Tom looked around sickbay. If the Doc really was leaving, heíd need someone to assist him. The doors parted and Lieutenant BíElanna Torres came in, holding her right arm with her left hand. ìWhat happened, BíElanna?î He picked up a tricorder and began to scan her arm. ìI was trying to repair Neelixís stove. He was looking for something and he accidently threw a spatula at me. It came down right onto my lower arm. Neelix appologized profusely.î Tom set the tricorder down and picked up a bone knitter. ìYou just sprained the ulnar bone a little. Iíll have it fixed in no time.î He activated the knitter nad ran it over her arm. BíElanna, as always, seemed to sense his unease. He finfished knitting the bone and set the instrument down. ìWhatís wrong Tom,î she asked in that worried tone of hers. He sighed. ìItís the Doc. He might be leaving us for good and Iím the closest thing this ship had to a replacement doctor. ìI knew I should have taken the Doc seriously when he suggested I read some medical texts. Iíd hate to think of what would happen if there was an emergency and Doc wasnít here to handle it.î ìIf the Doc does decide to stay, I think you should start reading those texts. That way, if anything does happen to the Doc, youíll be able to step in and take over.î ìItís just that I wish Kes was here. She could have run Sickbay with no asssistance from the Doc, if necessary. I know only how to to the most basic procedures.î ìAnd with practice, youíll get better. I think you would make a great doctor.î He brightened. ìReally?î ìReally. You have a good bedside manner and you can relate to people. ìI have to get back to Engineering. Think about what we said?î ìI will. You can count on it.î