VIGIL By Amy Bower Rating: PG Set during what would be the end of the 5th season. Summary: Tom lies in Sickbay and B'Elanna waits by his side waiting to see if he will live or die. Disclaimer: The usual, no infringement on Paramount is intended Author's note: This was written 10/15/97 and is my first attempt at fan fiction. I have others, but I want to see how this does first… Feel free to email to tell me what you think ( Feel free to get yourself a copy if you like it that much, but please leave my name attached. Thanks! As soon as B’Elanna Torres’ duty shift in Engineering ended, she made her way to Sickbay. She had been spending all of her free time there for almost a week only leaving for her duty shifts or when someone forced her to eat or sleep. “Good evening, Lieutenant Torres.” The doctor didn’t even look up from his patient on the biobed as she entered. “Doctor” she acknowledged. “Any change?” B’Elanna moved to the end of the biobed to look at the man who had been lying there for the better part of a week. “I’m afraid Mr. Paris’ condition is unchanged. He is stable, but still in a coma.” Torres nodded. She had asked the same question every time she came, but the answer was frustratingly the same. The only good thing was that when he had first arrived in Sickbay, Tom had been in much worse shape. The Doctor had almost lost him twice during the initial operation, but by some miracle had brought him back. Three more surgeries had been needed to stabilize him, and now anything anyone could do was to wait. B’Elanna pulled up the chair that was kept off to the side for her visits. “I’ll deactivate myself now, but if you need anything at all, feel free to reactivate me.” The Doctor put his hand lightly on her shoulder as he spoke. “Thanks, Doc.” B’Elanna looked up at him and tried to smile as he deactivated his program. B’Elanna put her right hand on Tom’s and with her left gently brushed aside a lock of his hair that was out of place. She lightly stroked his forehead with the back of her hand then caressed his cheek. “Tom, it’s me. I really wish you’d wake up and talk to me. I need you to wake up…” her voice trailed off as she tried to keep from crying. The doctor had said that talking to him might help. Usually, she just told him about the day’s events in Engineering and sometimes she’d even talk of her past – though she found that just as difficult now when he was unconscious as when he was awake and interested. She liked to think that it helped; it certainly helped her though she longed to hear the sound of his voice. “B’Elanna?” She whirled around to see Harry standing at the foot of the biobed. She hadn’t heard him come in she was so deep in thought. “You okay?” Harry asked as he moved closer. “Hi, Harry. Yeah, I’m okay. I guess.” She sighed. Harry looked at her and she could tell by the look on his face that he didn’t believe her. That was okay, she didn’t believe herself. She looked down at Tom then back to Harry, tears streaming down her face. “Oh, Harry. I’m not okay. I haven’t been okay since this whole thing happened. I come in here every day and I see him lying there like he’s going to wake up any time, but I’m beginning to wonder if that’s ever going to happen.” “B’Elanna, we can’t start thinking like that. I know it’s hard, but we have to believe that he will wake up and everything will be all right.” Harry put a hand on her shoulder, and when she looked up she saw that he had tears in his eyes as well. She stood up and they put their arms around each other in mutual grief. “I miss him, Harry. I miss him so much, and I feel so useless. There’s nothing I can do – nothing anyone can do.” “That’s not true, B’Elanna.” Harry took a step back so he could look at her. “If anyone can help him, it’s you. You know Doc said that talking to him could help, and if anyone’s going to bring him around, you will. He’s strong and somehow he’ll pull through, we just have to hang on and keep believing that.” “You’re right, Starfleet, but patience isn’t always one of my strong suits – Tom knows that. That’s probably why he’s waiting so long to come around.” B’Elanna attempted a smile. Harry answered her with a smile and a pat on the shoulder. They were still very worried, but they knew they could count on each other to get through this ordeal. Just as they finished speaking, they heard the doors to Sickbay open. Neelix walked in with a tray of food. “The computer told me I’d find you two here.” He greeted them. “How’s Tom?” “Same.” Harry answered. “What brings you here this late, Neelix?” “I noticed the two of you didn’t get any dinner this evening so I thought I would bring you some. I haven’t been seeing either one of you much lately – especially you, Lieutenant.” Neelix explained as he uncovered the tray of food he had brought for them. “I haven’t been very hungry lately, Neelix. Thanks for going to all the trouble tonight, but I really don’t feel like eating right now either, okay?” B’Elanna sounded very weary. “I understand that you are very worried about Tom, as we all are, and I’ve noticed that you humans and, er, Klingons don’t eat when you’re worried, but I also know that Tom wouldn’t want you to starve on his account.” Neelix handed them each a plate. Torres picked at her food, but it had been days since she had eaten a proper meal so she finished her dinner in short order. In fact, she noticed that the food didn’t have much taste if she didn’t think about it. Maybe the key to eating Neelix’s cooking was to be too preoccupied to think about it – she’d have to remember to tell Tom – when he woke up. “Thanks, Neelix.” B’Elanna said as she handed back her empty plate. “It was really sweet of you to bring us supper.” “I just wanted to make sure everyone was okay. I hadn’t seen Tom yet today so I thought I’d check on him at the same time. I must be going. Remember to stop in for breakfast in the morning.” Neelix bustled out the door. “Uh, I think I’m going to go… If you’ll be okay here by yourself. I can stay if you want.” Harry offered. “No, Harry. I’m okay, really. Go to bed. I’ll see you at tomorrow’s briefing.” B’Elanna assured him. “Are you sure?” “I’m sure. I’m just going to stay a little longer. I’ll be fine, really, and Harry… thanks.” Harry smiled and gave her a parting squeeze on the shoulder before quietly exiting Sickbay leaving B’Elanna alone with Tom again. The doctor reactivated himself at 0600 to find Lieutenant Torres still sitting by Tom’s side. She appeared to be sleeping. The doctor approached the biobed to check Mr. Paris’ readings, and as he did so, B’Elanna stirred and woke up. “Good morning, Lieutenant. I can’t say I’m surprised to find you still here.” The doctor had found her there every morning since the accident and no matter how many times he recommended she go to her own quarters to sleep, she refused and had also rejected any attempts to be given a sedative that would help her rest. “Doctor.” B’Elanna stood up to stretch and to give the Doctor room to work. She watched as he checked readings and pressed a hypospray to Tom’s neck. “What’s that for?” “It’s a tri-ox compound. His respiration rate is a little lower than I like to see.” The Doctor explained. “Is that bad?” The worry on B’Elanna’s face increased a notch and she stepped to the head of the biobed and placed her hands on Tom’s head to caress his forehead. “It’s probably nothing, but I’ll keep an eye on him today to make sure.” The doctor assured her. “If I’m not mistaken, there’s a briefing this morning. I suggest you go get something to eat and freshen up before it begins.” “I guess I should. You’ll let me know if there are any more changes?” B’Elanna asked, worry etched deep on her face. “Of course, Lieutenant. Don’t worry, he’s in good hands.” B’Elanna appreciated the doctor’s attempt at lightening the mood, but she could only bring herself to nod. She looked down at Tom again, kissed him gently on the forehead and quietly left Sickbay to get ready for the briefing. Captain Kathryn Janeway watched as her senior staff filed in for the morning briefing. She could always judge the mood of her officers just by how they walked in the door. This morning was not encouraging, especially when she saw Ensign Kim and Lieutenant Torres enter. Neither of them had looked happy for days, but today they looked especially harried, and Janeway couldn’t blame them. She had visited Sickbay several times in the past few days and was well aware of Mr. Paris’ condition as well as the many visits B’Elanna had been making. She also knew that today would be the hardest yet on B’Elanna as she had no duty shift and also for what the day would have brought had the accident never happened. “Well, why don’t we begin now that we’re all here.” Janeway tried to keep her voice light to draw attention away from the empty chair at the end of the table. The briefing contained all of the usual items: status of ship’s systems, results of landing party findings, etc. Just as the briefing was winding down, the doctor’s image appeared on the monitor. “Captain, I’m sorry to interrupt your briefing, but I think that you and Lieutenant Torres should come down to Sickbay.” The Doctor requested. “Thank you, Doctor. We’re on our way.” Janeway ended the briefing with that and headed to Sickbay with a very worried Lieutenant Torres. When they entered Sickbay, they saw the Doctor standing by Tom’s biobed staring at one of the monitors. “Doctor?” Captain Janeway spoke. “Captain.” The Doctor turned from the panel to look at the two officers. “I’m very sorry, Lieutenant, but I’m afraid Mr. Paris’ vital signs have slipped dramatically since you left this morning. I’m afraid we’re losing him. B’Elanna never took her eyes off Tom’s face as the doctor explained. It suddenly seemed to her that there was no one else in the universe except her and Tom. She moved over to his side and took his right hand in both of hers. The Doctor took Captain Janeway into his office to speak with her privately. “I don’t think he’s going to make it through the day at the rate he’s slipping. There’s nothing more I can do for him.” “I understand, Doctor. Thank you for informing us quickly. I would appreciate it if you would allow B’Elanna to stay and inform me as soon as… it’s over.” Janeway struggled to find the words as her mind was still adjusting to the Doctor’s news. One thought that kept running through her head was that she wished Tom’s father could have known the man Tom had turned out to be. B’Elanna sat alone with Tom trying to bring her emotions under control. Despite the fact that she had been half expecting the Doctor’s announcement, she couldn’t stop the feeling that the universe had just collapsed all around her, and there was nothing she could do. Her Klingon half wanted to find a bulkhead to rip apart to vent her rage, but she was able to keep it in check. She stared intently at Tom’s face clutching his hand as if that alone could save him. “Tom, I have no idea what to say, and you can’t hear me anyway, but…” B’Elanna’s voice checked, but she kept going. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. Tom, I’m going to miss you so much. I already miss you. You have no idea how hard it is to see you lying there and not be able to help you. You have helped me so much especially these last few years, and now when you need me the most, I can’t do a thing. Why today? Why you? Tom… you can’t die. You can’t! We were supposed to be married today!” She had to do something so she got up to pace the floor. She paced to the other end of Sickbay and stared at the wall. She took aim at the wall with her fist, but halfway through her punch she stopped, lowered herself to the floor and sat down and wept uncontrollably. The Doctor had been keeping an eye on Tom’s readings from the monitor in his office. He had also kept an eye on B’Elanna; he had no idea what she would do. He saw her sink against the wall and begin to sob. He let her be for now, it was good for her to work through her feelings alone. B’Elanna spent the next several hours sitting by Tom’s side. She held his hand, talked to him and occasionally touched his cheek. Eventually, the lack of sleep, stress and grief of the past few hours and days caught up with her and she fell asleep with her head on Tom’s biobed. The doctor checked his readings and then checked them again. Tom’s vital signs had increased tremendously – especially respiration and brain activity. He went out to look for himself but without disturbing B’Elanna. She didn’t need to be disappointed if her was wrong. He looked – he was not wrong. Tom was waking up. “B’Elanna. B’Elanna!” The Doctor shook her shoulder until she lifted her head. “Doctor?” What is it? Is he…” B’Elanna braced herself for the answer. “B’Elanna, I believe Mr. Paris is waking up. Perhaps if you talked to him, it would bring him around sooner.” The Doctor explained. “What?” B’Elanna felt as if she had missed something. “Talk to him, Lieutenant. Let him hear your voice.” “Tom? Tom, it’s me. B’Elanna. Can you hear me? Tom, please wake up. I love you.” B’Elanna gripped his hand willing him to open his eyes. “Again, Lieutenant.” The Doctor urged. “Tom, it’s me. Please wake up. Please. You have to wake up. You can’t leave me! Tom, wake up!” She pleaded. Tom’s eyes began to flicker and finally open. Eventually, he was able to focus on B’Elanna’s face and smile. “B’Elanna.” He whispered. She had never heard anything so wonderful. A day had never passed more slowly for Captain Janeway. After she had left Sickbay, she quietly informed the rest of the senior staff of the Doctor’s prognosis. She had offered Mr. Kim the day off, but he had insisted on working his duty shift. She had been impressed at how he was holding up, but she noticed that he avoided looking at the Conn. In fact, she was also finding it difficult to see Ensign Baytard there. She tried not to jump as her comm badge chirped. “Janeway here.” She answered. The sudden stillness on the bridge was unnerving, and she couldn’t help but notice Harry had stopped what he was doing to listen. “Captain, I believe you may want to come down to Sickbay. Mr. Paris is awake.” The Doctor informed her. “Awake?” Janeway looked over at Harry and saw her surprise mirrored on his face. “Of course, Doctor. I’ll be right there. Janeway out… Mr. Kim, perhaps you would like to join me.” “Thank you, Captain.” Harry gratefully accepted. “Commander, the bridge is yours.” Janeway exchanged a relieved, happy smile with her first officer and headed for the turbolift with Ensign Kim. As Janeway and Kim entered Sickbay, the first thing they noticed was the atmosphere. It no longer had the feel of a death room. They walked over to where the Doctor and B’Elanna were standing by Tom’s biobed. “Hey, buddy!” Harry greeted Tom. “You’re looking wonderful!” “Thanks, Harry.” Tom’s voice held that note of sarcasm that no one had expected to hear again. “I’ve felt better.” “Welcome back, Mr. Paris.” Janeway put a hand on B’Elanna’s shoulder as she spoke. “You’ve had us all pretty worried.” “Sorry, Captain.” Something about the way she said it made him wonder. “How long has it been? What day is it?” He looked at the four of them for an answer. “You’ve been in Sickbay for six days.” The Doctor informed him. “Six days…” Tom shut his eyes and concentrated for a moment. “But that would make today… Oh, B’Elanna, it’s not… today’s not…” B’Elanna nodded and smiled, “Ssh, it’s okay, Tom. Don’t worry about it.” The others moved over to the Doctor’s office to allow them some privacy. Tom and B’Elanna didn’t notice. “B’Elanna, I am so sorry.” Tom’s voice though weak was still heavy with regret. “There is nothing to be sorry about, Tom. We can still get married. It just won’t be today.” B’Elanna’s eyes began to sparkle. “You’re not getting out of it that easily, Thomas Eugene Paris!” “Yes, Ma’am!” Tom grinned and squeezed her hand. “You had me so scared, Tom. You have no idea…” B’Elanna’s voice broke as tears streamed down her face. “Ssh,” Tom reached a hand up to brush away the tears and then tilted her head to look deep into her eyes. “You saved me, B’Elanna. I could feel your presence… your love, and I knew I couldn’t leave you. I love you, B’Elanna Torres, and I want to marry you more than anything in the world.” He gave her his lopsided grin that never failed to make her heart flutter, “but I think we may have to wait a few days. I don’t think I can walk down the aisle right now, let alone anything else!” B’Elanna returned his grin with her scowl that always drove him nuts. “You just worry about getting better, Tom. We can discuss the, uh, wedding plans later.” Tom returned her smile and realized all over again how much he loved her. “B’Elanna,” The Doctor interrupted. “I’m sorry, but Mr. Paris needs his rest – as do you.” “Right, Doc.” B’Elanna answered without taking her eyes off Tom. She leaned over to kiss him gently before allowing the Doctor to press a hypospray to his neck. She watched his eyes close again, but this time she didn’t worry.