--============_-1296669852==_============ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" --============_-1296669852==_============ Content-Type: text/plain; name="THOUSAND.txt"; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="THOUSAND.txt"The Thousandth Manby Agamemnon.A short addition to the "Threshold" episode where Tom, B'Elanna and Harry break the warp 10 threshold and Tom dies as a result of the flight. In the show you don't see how Harry takes the news of his friend's death... even if it was only a temporary demise. This is my take on how he may have spent the few hours between Tom's death and his resurrection as a lizard. Disclaimer: Paramount owns all things startrek, the characters and the ship but the story is mine. Sue me if you must but I can assure you it wont be worth the effort. This is dedicated to Fiona a one in ten thousand friend.<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Harry Kim rushed down the corridor, he hated being late. He was supposed to have met Tom and B'Elanna 20 minutes ago in the mess hall to discuss the results of the warp ten flight. Unfortunately there had been a huge problem in operations during his shift and he hadn't been able to get away. He knew neither Tom or B'Elanna would mind that he was late, in fact they would probably be so involved in the discussion by now that they probably hadn't even noticed he wasn't there. Harry slowed his pace as he reached the double door entry, the last thing he wanted to do, was to go rushing in all flustered. Tom doesn't need any more ammunition to torment me with, he mused to himself. He strolled through the doors trying to look as though he hadn't just run half the length of the ship. Harry looked around at the crew seated around the tables, he couldn't see either Tom or B'Elanna anywhere. He was just about to leave when he saw Neelix heading toward him carrying a coffee pot. Harry had run into Ensign Nichol in the turbo lift who had warned him about Neelix's latest 'better than coffee' substitute. According to her it tasted something like a cross between grapefruit and liver."Its okay Neelix, I'm not here for coffee", Harry said in a consolatory tone hoping he could avoid the noxious smelling brew without offending the Taliaxian."No? Ah... Well actually, I was just wondering how Tom was?", Neelix asked concerned."What do you mean? What's happened to Tom?" Harry asked confused and more than a little worried. Harry knew of no one who could attract trouble like Tom could."I... I'm not sure exactly", stammered the short alien, "Tom was inhere a little while ago, with Lt Torres, then he got sick and they tookhim to sickbay"Harry was already out the door heading for the turbolift before Neelix had finished his explanation."Sickbay." Harry called out tensely as he entered the lift. The doors cycled closed and the lift had began to descend when the Captain's voice interrupted from the communications panel. "Attention all hands. I regret to announce that Lt Paris has suffered unexpected side effects of his warp ten flight, despite the best efforts of the doctor, Tom Paris has died. I realise this is a shock to you all. At present we have no explanation for his loss, we will make that information available as soon as we have it".Harry slumped against the wall of the lift numb with shock. He couldn't believe it, how could Tom be dead? Harry had seen him not more than an hour ago and he'd been fine, exhilarated by the flights success. The lift doors opened and Harry, moving on auto-pilot, walked into sickbay. He didn't notice the doctor's presence as he approached and began to speak to him. From the doorway he could plainly see the main surgical bed and the body it held. The blood vessels on Tom's face stood out darkly against his too pale, lifeless face. It was obvious that his friend really was dead. Harry stood stunned for a long moment before he realised that the doctor was still speaking to him."I'm sorry doctor, what did you say?" Harry asked the hologram beside him."I said, that you should get some rest Mr Kim, you've had a nasty shock." "I'll try doctor" Harry mumbled quietly backing out of the doors then hurrying away. He strode quickly down the corridor needing to put some distance between himself and the terrible reality he'd just witnessed in sickbay. Before he realised it, he was standing outside the door to his own cabin. Keying open the door he escaped into the sanctuary of the familiar room. He crossed to his desk and sat heavily in his chair. Closed his eyes against the tears that threatened to fall, and fought to stop the grief from totally consuming him. Opening his eyes, he noticed the message indicator on his terminal was blinking, indicating he had a message waiting. He leaned forward and activated the monitor. The message was from Tom, it was his LRM. Last Recorded Messages were a standard starfleet practise, Harry had recorded several for his friends himself, but this was the first time he'd ever received one. Tom was the first close starfleet friend he had lost, in fact Tom was the first real friend of Harry's had been killed in his life. He tapped the play icon on the screen, to activate the message and was rewarded with Tom's smiling face displayed on the screen. "Hiya Harry. Well, I guess I'm dead. I hope it was something heroic and spectacular. You know, a real old fashion blaze of glory." Tom began in a jovial voice, then smiled self depreciatively and began again in a more serious tone. "Sorry Harry, I hate recording these things, Its kind of hard to imagineyourself dead. Anyway, there are a few things I'd like to tell you and since I guess I'm not going to get any more chances, I'd better just do it now." On the small screen Harry watched the image of his friend paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Harry your the best friend a guy could have but I've got to admit I've never really understood you. I mean you are the model starfleet officer dedicated, conscientious, competent and yet you hang around with a guy like me. Lets face it, I'm not exactly the poster boy for the starfleet recruitment service. I guess there is just no accounting for tastes, but whatever the reason youdecided to take a chance with me, I want you to know I am grateful. You know, my father used to tell me over and over how special starfleet people were. That there was only one in a thousand that really had what it takes. Of course he used to tell me a lot of things but this time he might have been right. There's an old poem I really like, it kind of reminds me of you... the best bit goes.One man in a thousand, Solomon says, Will stick more close than a brother. And it's worth while seeking him half your days If you find him before the other. Nine hundred and ninety-nine depend On what the world sees in you, But the Thousandth man will stand your friend With the whole round world against you.Have a drink in Sandrines for me Harry. I'll miss you my friend, take care."The screen went blank and Harry sat staring at it for a long time thinking of his friend lost forever. Gradually, he became aware of his surroundings, he was a little surprised to discover it was late night ship's time. Slowly he stood and made his way to holodeck 2 where Sandrine's was playing. Now was as good a time for that drink as any. "Attention all hands.", the Captain's voice came from the comm panel. "The doctor has just informed me of a very unusual development concerning Mr Paris ...."Finita.