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Disclaimer: odyssey 5 and all related elements, characters and indicia © Sony Pictures Television and Showtime Networks Inc., 2003. All Rights Reserved. All characters and situations—save those created by the authors for use solely on this website—are copyright Sony Pictures Television and Showtime Network ©2003.

Author's Note: Written for suzvoy who wanted me to use the line: "Yes darling, I know that you hate me," to write something Kurt/Sarah. I spent this morning re-watching some of my tapes, and you would not believe how many ficlets I began and then scrapped before I wrote this one. Hopefully, this will be able to placate your request in some way, hon. I gave it may best shot. Hope you can enjoy the fluffy end-of-the-world angst. *grin*

by Konstantine

In the end, they don't win.

Despite all their efforts to the contrary, - all the sacrifices, the risks, the battles, the bloodshed — they still lose.

It isn't that much of a surprise to them. There had only been five of them (at least originally.) Some part of them had always known they didn't really stand a chance. Not against an army of hundreds. Thousands.

In the end, they finally give in and admit the truth.

Tangled up in Kurt's embrace mere moments before the scheduled implosion of the Earth, she finally allows herself to say what she's never really allowed herself to. What she should have said a long time ago.

"Kurt, I need to tell you something..."

He brushes a strand of hair back from her forehead and presses a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Yes, darling, I know that you hate me," he mutters good-naturedly, as he stares off vacantly into space, lost in some personal reverie.

She turns so that she can fully meet his gaze. Ensure she has his undivided attention.

"No," she responds sharply. Her tone catches his attention. "I really don't."

He looks at her for a moment taking in the full weight of her unspoken proclamation.

"Yeah, me neither," he finally replies as he brings his lips down to cover her own once more.

Safely nestled in the embrace of the man she loved, and who she now knew loved her too, she thinks that maybe this was the way she was meant to die.

Not up in some space shuttle with five strangers she barely knew. Alone. Resentful. Scared.

Down here. Home. With him. Safe. Loved.

In the end, nothing is changed.

The Earth still implodes. Mankind is still destroyed. She still dies with her hand safely locked in his. His voice is still the last thing she ever hears.

Somehow it all feels a little too familiar. A little too planned.

A little like fate.

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